Custom Camshaft Design
Camshafts are one of the most widely replaced items in a high-performance engine. However, not all camshafts are created equal. And, what works for one type of engine, may not work for another. Therefore, G-Force Performance Center uses a large variety of information, and engine simulations, to help select the perfect camshaft for your application. If there is no camshaft grind available for the selected profile, G-Force can have custom CNC camshafts ground. Selecting a camshaft is a very involved process. It requires very specific data sets including cylinder head flow, port dimensions, port volumes, valve sizes, current power delivery, and a plethora of other data. We have the ability to get all that data. However, it does require time. A good set of intake and exhaust cams will take up to a couple of months to get, depending on the available data and available grinds from the cam manufacturer. Contact G-Force as soon as you are ready to get cams to get the process started. Priced per Hour